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gph 3:44 Wed Mar 21
First automated driving death
Not really a surprise.


Elaine Herzberg would probably have preferred to get her fame another way, although she might get a lot more than 15 minutes of it, albeit at a low-level.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

riosleftsock 3:35 Fri Mar 23
Re: First automated driving death

Have a look at the Cabridge Busway, I'll be using it Monday. Its exactly the system they have in mind.

No unions, hardly any traffic and relatively cheap.

GingerNut 2:12 Fri Mar 23
Re: First automated driving death
Arse! Does NOT need inventing.

GingerNut 2:11 Fri Mar 23
Re: First automated driving death
It's a technology that does need inventing. Most drivers are perfectly capable of driving to a set of rules and safely. The trouble with automated vehicles, is that no matter how much technology you build in, the computer will never understand context, so will always be likely to be caught out by exceptional circumstances, whereas a human (if not pissed) can react from instinct, experience and judgement.

riosleftsock 11:10 Fri Mar 23
Re: First automated driving death

I mentioned this at the start of the thread.

I'm amazed nobody picked it up before you.

Sven Roeder 12:19 Fri Mar 23
Re: First automated driving death
From the short clip I saw she was wheeling her bike across a dark road.
Presume she would have seen the car coming but she just appears out of the dark and not sure a driver would have reacted

Reckon the car company should sue her

CrowleyHammer 11:58 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
riosleftsock 7:16 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
Still no mention of the "driver/operator" of the uber car that killed someone......

If you haven't seen the driver's details, its worth a google.

Fucking hell.


Ronald_antly 11:56 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death

zebthecat 11:48 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
Autonomous self driving cars are still a long time away. The vast majority of the test have been done on well know roads (to the cars) and they are years away from being let loose in a complex urban environment such as inner London.
The only way they could work is of the cities are redesigned around them (removing pedestrians, bikes etc) and that is not going to happen,
I suspect this will go the way of Google glass. the technology will morph into extra aids for drivers.
The idea of platooning autonomous trucks sounds downright dangerous.

Ronald_antly 11:27 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
boleynkid wrote...

"I am sure Uber will be sued for a massive amount..."

And so they should.

, 7:55 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
The cyclist was certainly jay walking but the question to me is would a competent driver in the same situation have seen the situation earlier and reacted.

Far Cough 7:53 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
Not really, they are the facts as seen from the video

, 7:50 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
Sound like you’re opening the case for Uber’s defence.

Far Cough 7:44 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
She was jaywalking on a divided highway, with no reflective clothing, oh and the "driver" was a man

boleynkid 7:42 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
I am sure Uber will be sued for a massive amount......especially as this happened in America. Lawyers will be all over it. Will be an interesting test case in tragic circumstances.

, 7:39 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
We did not see much in the footage other than the woman wheeling the bike suddenly come into the view of the dashcam. Surely if the woman monitoring the vehicle had been looking at the road she would have seen the woman with the bike earlier and taken action. The vehicle running on auto seems not to have seen the woman until too late such that it might not have brakeduntil impact.

Uber will be chased for compensation.

riosleftsock 7:16 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
Still no mention of the "driver/operator" of the uber car that killed someone......

If you haven't seen the driver's details, its worth a google.

boleynkid 7:14 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
Sorry to hear about your brother Darlo.

I have long thought that dashcam technology could be used to penalise or clear the roads of most of the idiot drivers we have on the roads. I reckon it could be in the form of "You've Been Framed (probably not the right word in the circumstances)" but let's say an immediate £1,000 fine for offenders with £250 going to the public spirited person who sent it in.

Have no ideas how technology would work so that a driverless car would detect potholes, emergency vehicles or anticipate another driver when they make a split second decision or avoid a young child suddenly crossing the road.

Has no one taken into account that some people might actually enjoy driving rather than just sitting there in a glorified "taxi".

Death to the robots.

Mr Anon 4:40 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
This is down to Uber stealing technology from Google and Tesla without really understanding it

Darlo Debs 3:59 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
*passing responsibility

Darlo Debs 3:58 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
i just think all this talk of automated cars and oassing resoinsibikity to technology is too much a distraction to sorti g out how we can fix things in the here and now.

Far Cough 3:43 Thu Mar 22
Re: First automated driving death
Sorry about your brother Debs :-(

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